Create a massively successful business by making bold moves and investing in your next level leap

Growth consulting for 7 & 8 figure Founders, Leaders, CEOs and Experts ready to make that next million dollar leap in business.


Our proven system combines the power of technology with marketing emotional intelligence to accelerate results.

Many companies build an incredibly strong fan base on pure heart and hustle…but they just don’t have that big picture growth strategy in place to scale beyond their first million.

(and without that big picture plan, it’s natural to long for those early days with less people, less staff, more profit and more fun).

You want to reach that next milestone, create a legacy with your business and continue to change lives with your mission…but how?

You did the programs.

You took the courses.

You worked hard.

You hustled.

You sacrificed time, money, energy, and sanity.

And you made it. You reached your first (or few) million.

This is an incredible milestone.

But now things feel different. The go-to strategies that worked before – they aren’t bringing the results, sales, or revenue (or the joy…) like they used to. Things are more complicated, your staff is frustrated, and you feel like you have less time than ever…

The secret to joyful growth once you hit the 7-figure mark isn’t to blow up your entire business and start over – as tempting as that might be.

The secret to more impact and less stress is to do fewer things better.

For example…

Ditching cookie-cutter methods (looking at you, perfect webinar) and customizing strategies for your ideal avatar that create raving fans.

Developing messages that increase the effectiveness of your traffic so you get more bang for your buck with lead generation.

Diversifying your source of leads so you can sleep well at night regardless of the next iOS update.

Optimizing the sales and marketing funnels that you have in place, instead of investing heavily into something without proof of concept.

Customizing an ascension plan based on projected lifetime customer value.

Mapping out a customer journey that your audience will love, giving them more options without them feeling sold to.

Positioning yourself as the market leader so you become the most sought-after expert in your category.

Investing in high-level strategic advice without making a multi-six figure CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) hire.

These are just a few of the examples of ways to increase profits and impact without more people, meetings, divisions, or investments. Leveraging my experience and expertise, and your forward momentum, together – we make an incredible team.

Hi there! My name is Charity Rose and over the past 10 years, I have scaled several different six and seven-figure businesses –both online and offline – in retail, beauty, food, info-products, consulting, and Saas.

I understand first-hand the challenging decisions you are faced with on a daily basis as a business owner. And the ways that trying to push the needle on your success can test your time and patience. The truth is: almost everything that created business growth in the early stages needs to shift when you’re ready to scale.

That’s where we come in.

Part Trusted Advisor

I work alongside you and your team to implement change so you can continue to build your company without having to be the only person providing strategic direction.

My talent is identifying unique opportunities so your company can propel forward with a new way of thinking in your business while providing resources to your team that operationalise revenue generation in your company.

Together we’ll navigate the path, avoid common pitfalls, and discover the fastest route to scaling your brand.

Introducing Next Level Leap

An exclusive consulting experience for
7-figure online business owners and their teams looking for next-level support.


What’s Included

Quarterly Strategic

A quarterly strategic planning session with me, you and your team where together, we decide on core focuses, milestones, progress evaluation and recommended completion dates based on your revenue goals.

Weekly Audits

Submission of weekly sales calls, copy or asset review to provide feedback from Charity and our team on landing pages, email sequences, sales calls, scripts, or ad creative.

Direct Access Slack Support

Have a question and need immediate assistance? Your sales, operations and marketing leads have Slack access to Charity and her team Monday – Friday for quick questions that need immediate answers.

Asset Resource

Access a library of our own tutorials, walk-throughs, swipe files, frameworks, reporting structure, and sales process maps as tools to support your strategy.

Dashboard Creation

What gets measured matters. As part of your onboarding we offer you guidance around the creation of a weekly company scorecard with recommended marketing and sales KPIs.

1:1 Meetings

On-demand individual weekly meetings with the Brave Consulting team are available for messaging creation, KPI or dashboard review, feedback, opportunities, or strategy check-ins.

Our job is to do one thing for you: increase your revenue while getting rid of stuff that’s causing you stress. 

The net effect of this is a total transformation of your business.

What got you to your first million won’t get you to your second, third, or beyond. 

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Together, we put together a custom plan for your specific business using cutting-edge online growth strategies that will catapult you to the next level of revenue. 

Our growth is planned in quarterly segments, where every 90 days gets its own dedicated and simple, yet powerful strategy for results. These quarterly VIP sessions chart the course for the laser-focused progress we make.

And we’re not just talking about a plan to scale your business to the multi-millions . . . we take into account your time, the brave legacy you want to create, AND what aspects in your business bring you TRUE joy. 

Together, we create a custom plan and I will work with you on one specific business objective at a time. We then implement it with your team, measuring the wins as we go while navigating your best opportunities. As the plan is implemented, I support you, your team, your agency, and key partners to navigate the big decisions and celebrate next-level wins.

How it Works


After our initial meeting and the first 90 day plan is created, we develop a rhythm of working together where we’re constantly getting bigger and bigger wins. 


We take the results of the first one-step plan, analyze them, and come up with the next one-step plan that’s designed to expand on the results of the first one.

After that…

As the wins roll in, my team and I will continue to support you, your team, your partners, your agency all along the journey. 

Together, we will boldly build your legacy with a custom experience built just for you.

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